Island is the game I am currently working on. It will be a top down open world game, where you play as person stranded upon an island. Three tribe-like factions live upon the island. You will have to trade with these factions to get a chance for water, food, equipment, and a small chance of escaping the island.
One of my main influences when designing the game, was the original Fallout. It's one of my favorite games. I was inspired by its open world setting, which made you make choices, many of which fell in the gray area between good and evil. It's atmosphere was also spot on. I can only hope my game will have some of those qualities.
Unfortunately, I haven't gotten as much time to work on it as I'd like, as my computer died. Now, I've built a new computer, but haven't been able to activate gamemaker's pro functions yet.
In the meantime, here's a character in the game: