Monday, March 16, 2009

Island Devblog 2

I'm still waiting on that pro-version of gamemaker unfortunately. In the meantime, I've been creating some graphics and artwork for Island. I've been having some great fun designing some sprites, animations and tilesets. I also created this rough map of the island from which the game gets its name. While it didn't come out perfectly, it's a nice sketch of the general terrain. Yes, those green splotches are forests.


  1. I like the style. My maps always turn out so plain and blocky.

    Did you draw it by hand?

    I'm gonna try textures the next time I give it a go. xD

  2. I actually hand-drew a rough sketch, then made it look all fancy in photoshop.

  3. Looks quite nice actually, ninjutsu63. I have to admit I never really get around to doing this sort of thing for my games, even though I know I should. :)

  4. Thanks. Yeah. If I don't map something out ahead of time, I usually get myself backed into a corner, design-wise.

  5. But that's how I [i]always[/i] feel! ;) I really should start designing before programming.
