Monday, February 8, 2010

Why I don't Make Games in One Week

I’ve had three real days to work on my game, Friday Saturday and Sunday. Of those, I only really touched it on Sunday. I was too busy on the other two days to do much. However, on Sunday I managed to get a basic engine up which included movement and your basic sword slash. I also have two kinds of enemies, swordsmen and people with bows.
For those of you who are wondering, the game is a cross between a beat-em-up and a scrolling shooter, where you play as a samurai. I got a lot of inspiration from Seven Samurai. It’s a pretty well known Japanese film that was made about sixty years ago, and it’s freaking awesome. One of my favorite movies of all time.  I’m trying to capture a little of that in my game.

In other news, I now have a Formspring. You can use it to direct anonymous questions towards me about pretty much anything. 


  1. Go ninjutsu63 :D

    I'll try out the game when it's done. If all goes well I might try something like this over spring break or something.

  2. Cool. A comp would be a fun idea, if anyone is willing to organize one.

  3. I'm interested in trying this out too, maybe with a shorter time period.

  4. I would definitely recommend it. It's a great learning experience.
