Monday, June 21, 2010

The Entropy Movement Update

So, I had plans to release the beta for the Entropy Movement today. However, looking back at my "to-do" list before I released the beta, I haven't really finished very much on it.

Things to do before beta is released:

  1. Create suitable opening sequence for demo
  2. Create suitable ending sequence for demo
  3. Make basic menu
  4. Create and place savepoints
  5. Finish up "prisoner conversation sequence"
  6. Create dying sequence
  7. Polish health and energy usage
  8. Polish up sound design

However, I did a lot of stuff which wasn't on the list, like adding an awesome grenade launcher, polishing up the level design and AI, fixing a lot of bugs, and added about a dozen pages to the design document detailing characters, locations, and enemies. 


  1. Nice. Can't wait until it's out, sounds like it's gonna be awesome. :D

  2. Neato. Lookin' forward to trying out that beta.

  3. Thanks guys, and definitely thanks for being so willing to volunteer for the beta. I've crossed off almost everything on the list, so I should release it pretty soon :D
