Saturday, July 4, 2009


Today I started production on a new game I've had planned for a long time. It's looking pretty good.

I also picked up three new SNES games yesterday, for a pretty good price.
Shadow Run, which is interesting so far, although the controls are far from perfect.
Super Mario RPG Legend of the 7 Stars, which also looks good so far, although my SNES decided to mess up after I hadn't saved for a while.
Also, Super Metroid. I haven't played it before, but I've heard great things about it. So far it's been great.

Even though I have a Wii and all of that virtual console stuff, I still like playing games on my old SNES. It kind of feels like cheating on the Wii, and a lot of the time it's more expensive.


  1. Super Metroid is my all time favourite game, and in my opinion the best game ever made. I hope you enjoy it as much as I did.
